Friday, October 27, 2006


Ahhhh Pinat... I hate u.. hehe.. not because you have done such a bad thing, but because you ask me to find any cute bags for your cousin (which i guess will end up for you, shes always like that)... omg... I cant resist those cute bags.. ANyone who is so generous, please buy me one of those bag.. ahaha...
Huhu... Pinat pls buy me one... anything, i m not picky.. hehe..:p:p


Valerius Liang said...

i've seen this bag before here in china and it's so cheap here... wahaha... ;)

Anonymous said...

How much ? i want one so bad im in love with TokiDoki!

Anonymous said...

Tsk! Things from china must be fake! especially when they're so cheap... I guess what you spend actually reflects the actual item.
Try getting it on Ebay or the internet. =)